This Celerway Cumulus Dual is a CAT 6 single modem and double SIM 4G modem router that provides load-balancing throughput up to 95 Mbit/s. A single VPN tunnel can reach throughput of 20 Mbit/s. The Cumulus Dual has 5 ethernet ports that can all be used as either WAN or LAN. Wifi is single band 2,4Ghz.

Plug in wired broadband from up to 8 different companies

Insert SIM cards from up to two mobile operators covering your region

Remote router administration using Nimbus dashboards

Enjoy fault tolerant and load balanced connectivity
Load Balancing Capacity
Ethernet Ports
SIM card slots
Wireless Rates
95 Mbit/s
1, can be configured in WAN or LAN
2.4GHz: 300Mbps
< 12W / DC 12V 1A